Filellum nitidum Watson, 2005

C-E, Filellum nitidum Watson, 2005. C, hydrothecae from colony on basal stem of Gymnangium. D, coppinia with protruding hydrothecae and tubules. E, transverse section of coppinia on hydroid host showing surface with tissue layer and gonothecae below. Bar scale: C, E, 500 µm; D, 2 mm.
From Watson, J.E. (2005). Hydroids of the Archipelago of the Recherche and Esperance, Western Australia: annotated list, redescriptions of species and descriptions of new species. In: Wells FE, Walker DI, Kendrick GA (eds) The Marine Flora and Fauna of Esperance, Western Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth.
Photographer: Watson, Jeanette. Publisher: Watson, Jeanette.
Watson, Jeanette
Taxonomic name: