Halecium bruniensis Watson 1975

Figs. 7-15. Halecium bruniensis Watson 1975. Fig. 7.-Holotype colony, natural size. Fig. 8.-Distal part of colony, showing fasciculation of stem and empty female gonothecae. Figs 9, 10.-Hydrophores enlarged, showing offset pedicel and replications of the hydrophore, Fig. 11.-Male gonotheca. Figs 12-15.-Development of the female gonophore. Fig. 12.-Early stage of development showing hook-shaped blastostyle with developing central mass. Fig. 13.Later stage of development. Fig. 14.-Mature gonophore. Fig. 15.-Gonotheca after discharge of reproductive products. Note residual mass remaining at site of the circular orifice through which contents have been discharged.
From Watson, J.E. (1975) Hydroids of Bruny island, southern Tasmania. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 99: 157-176.
Photographer: Watson, Jeanette. Publisher: Watson, Jeanette.