Corystolona annulata (Watson, 1973)

a.) hydrorhiza, hydrocaulus and hydranth with young male gonophore. b.) mature female gonophore withova. b.) rings of nematocysts in tentacle. d.) desmoneme, undischarged. e.) euytele, undischarged, from tentacles. Scalebars: a, b, 0.5 mm; c, 0.2 mm; d, e, 10 mm.
From Watson, J.E. (2002). Corystolona, a new hydroid genus (Leptolida: Leptothecatae) from southern Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 59: 333–336
Photographer: Watson, Jeanette. Publisher: Watson, Jeanette.
Watson, Jeanette
Taxonomic name: