Diphasia mutulata (Busk, 1852)

Fig. 9. Diphasia mutulata: A, stem from colony on ldiellalla pristis. B, C, stem internodes from same colony. B, Diphasia mutulata morph. C, Diphasia heurteli morph. D, lateral view of hydrotheca of Diphasia mutulata morph. E, lateral view of hydrotheca of Diphasia mutulata morph showing operculum. F, gonotheca. G, orifice of gonotheca with operculum. Scale bars: A, 2,000 µm; B, C, 500 µm; D, E, G, 200 µm; F, 500 µm.
From Watson, J.E. (2000) Hydroids (Hydrozoa: Leptothecatae) from the Beagle Gulf and Darwin Harbour, northern Australia. The Beagle: Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory 16: 1-82.
Photographer: Watson, Jeanette. Publisher: Watson, Jeanette.
Watson, Jeanette
Taxonomic name: