Clytia paulensis
Single stems or sparingly branched stems given off at intervals from a tubular hydrorhiza. Stems slender, straight, annulated proximally and distally, single stems usually less than 1 mm long, branched stems to 3 mm. Pedicels given off at regular intervals, slender, tubular, perisarc smooth and glassy with 7-12 proximal and 4-9 distal deep annulations.
Hydrotheca deep, conical, walls straight, expanding to margin. Margin with six pairs of bidentate teeth, each tooth with a slightly blunt apex, teeth sometimes inclined inwards, a shallow saddle separating each pair of cusps and a deep U-shaped incision between the pairs, often an indistinct ridge passing from the sides of the incision down into the hydrotheca.
Hydranth with 12-16 tentacles held out stiffly in an amphicoronate arrangement from the hydrotheca.
Gonotheca borne on hydrorhiza, elongated with a short, annulated pedicel and a truncated distal end, containing 5 - 8 medusa buds.
Medusa (visible inside the gonotheca) has about 16 tentacles. Tentacular nematocysts microbasic mastigophores, capsule elongate, shaft spinous, thread long.
Colour: Colourless and transparent.
Nearly cosmopolitan.
Subtidal, epizoic on other hydroids and sponges.