Lineolaria flexuosa
The most important difference between Lineolaria spinulosa and L. flexuosa is the presence of the basal hydrothecal spine in the former and its absence from the latter.
The most important difference between Lineolaria spinulosa and L. flexuosa is the presence of the basal hydrothecal spine in the former and its absence from the latter.
Hydrorhiza flattened, adherent to substrate, with a small peripheral flange.
Hydrothecae usually alternate and set at an acute angle to the stolon or parallel with it, connected to the stolonal canal through a wide orifice. Hydrotheca rectangular to saccate, widest about the middle, adnate to substrate for most o f length, turning sharply upwards in the distal fifth. Margin delicate, circular to elliptical, with a pair of lateral lobes, aperture of immature hydrotheca closed by a delicate membranous flap.
Colonies dioecious, gonotheca large, situated beside a hydrotheca, male and female similar in shape and size, irregularly ovate, strongly flattened and adnate to the substrate by a wide peripheral flange, aperture distal, circular to subcircular, with thickened rim, the surface with small chitinous spines.
Colour: In life, colonies yellow or white, gonophores cream-coloured.
Southeastern Australia (Victoria).
Subtidal, epiphytic on seagrasses.