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Amphisbetia pulchella (D'Orbigny, 1846) [Invalid]
Genus: AmphisbetiaSpecies: Amphisbetia operculata
Hydrorhiza reticulating, stolons tubular, thin. Stems to 15 mm high, pinnate, monosiphonic, with one to three strong basal V-nodes, stem thereafter decidedly zigzag, internodes slender, nodes transverse, narrow, marked by a distinct shoulder in perisarc; hydrocladia alternate, well separated, given off just above node, a hydrotheca in axil and two, sub opposite, above.
Hydrocladia standing out stiffly at angle of ca, 60° to stem, on a long tubular apophysis with indistinct distal node.
Cauline hydrothecae subopposite, those more distal on stem tending to be opposite, one or two pairs on internode, nodes slender, transverse, marked by shoulder in perisarc, sometimes absent, internode widening from node to base of hydrotheca. Hydrotheca small, saccate, standing out at angle of ca. 45° to axis of internode, widest at junction of adnate and free adcauline wall, narrowing thereafter to margin; abcauline wall weakly convex, a smooth continuation of internode, an inwardly directed peg of perisarc about one third distance up wall from base; adnate adcauline wall convex, free adcauline wall with one, sometimes two humps followed by a small concavity behind margin, a thickening of perisarc in concavity. Floor of hydrotheca flat to weakly convex, a collar of perisarc surrounding connection with internode. Margin obliquely upturned, flanked by two long, opposite, upwardly pointing blunt spines.
Perisarc uniformly thick throughout.
Colour: Colony pale honey-brown.