Clathrozoella medeae
Holotype: USNM 1003100.
Paratypes: 1 in RMNH under RMNH-Coel. 30627, other in MNCN
Holotype: USNM 1003100.
Paratypes: 1 in RMNH under RMNH-Coel. 30627, other in MNCN
This species is dedicated to Medea Peña Sancho, daughter of the senior author.
Branching sparse and irregular.
Stem cylindrical, formed by the fused basal parts of irregularly arranged pseudohydrothecae*, cemented together by development of perisarc.
Pseudohydrothecae curved upwards and outwards, with a long free portion; aperture circular, rim even.
Nematothecae finger-shaped.
Hydranths with 10-12 tentacles. Up to four ovoid gonophores per pseudohydrotheca.
Cnidome composed of microbasic mastigophores, microbasic euryteles, atrichous haplonemes and desmonemes.
*The hydrothecae in Clathrozoellidae have a structure differing from those of Leptothecatae and are here described as ‘pseudohydrothecae’.
Clathrozoella medeae was collected from 128 to 630 m depth off Low Island, at Elephant Island, and east off the South Orkney Islands, in January, March and April.