Aglaophenia divaricata
Three distinct ‘sub-types’ are noted: maccoyi, briggsi and cystifera. Their distinguishing features are as follows:
A. maccoyi: Stem medium length, approx. 4 cm. Colonies lightly fascicled, branched. Mesial nematothecae twice length of hydrotheca, orifice lobed. Cauline nematothecae normal size and shape. Marginal teeth sharp and deep. Habit epiphytic.
A. briggsi: Stem short in length, approx. 1.5 cm. Colonies unfascicled, unbranched. Mesial nematothecae to hydrothecal margin, orifice round to lobed. Cauline nematothecae normal size and shape, facing posteriorly. Marginal teeth sharp and deep. Habit epiphytic-epizoic.
A. cystifera: Stem large, approx. 10 cm. Colonies fascicled, branched in 1 plane. Mesial nematothecae to hydrothecal margin, orifice round. Cauline nematothecae large, ovate. Marginal teeth wide and shallow. Habit epilithic.