Polyplumaria bedoti
Stems to 10 mm high, proximal half of stems and lower branch lightly fascicled, becoming monosiphonic in upper region, apophysis of branch with transverse distal node, branch ahydrocladiate proximally, internodes thereafter with strongly oblique nodes, each internode with three alternate, equidistant hydrocladia, one proximal, one in middle and one distal on internode. Perisarc of stem and branches thick and smooth.
Hydrocladia frontal on stem and branches, internodes slender, first internode athecate, distal node oblique, internode with one mesial nematotheca, internodes thereafter alternately thecate and athecate; thecate internode with oblique proximal and trans verse distal node, transverse node sometimes indistinct; no intranodal septa.
Hydrothecae seated on upper side of internode, tubular, deep, occupying almost entire internode, tilted forward at an angle of c. 55° to internode , adnate adcauline wall convex, short, free adcauline wall straight, abcauline wall weakly convex, margin perpendicular to hydrothecal axis, subcircular to oval, rim slightly everted.
Nematothecae bithalamic, mesial hydrothecate inferior seated on a small prominence, a perisarc infilled notch between basal chamber and proximal node, basal chamber short, robust, cup foreshortened on adcauline side, just reaching base of hydrotheca; basal chamber of lateral nematotheca long, conical, movable, cup broad and shallow, reaching hydrothecal margin, excavated on adcauline side. Athecate internode with one mesial nematotheca similar to mesial inferior, proximal on internode, bent forward. Cauline nematothecae similar to mesials, a row of five on internode, one near base of apophysis, one above and one in axil.
Colour: Colourless to white (preserved material).
Indonesia and northern Australia.
Subtidal, epizoic on other hydroids.